DrDental, A Few Simple Tips to Control Bad Breath.

05/03/16 6:49 AM

Many people associate bad breath with either foods we consume or bad oral hygiene.  Even though a main cause to bad breath odor does comes from food particles trapped in our mouths, bad breath can also be an underlying medical condition of the stomach, lungs and bloodstream.

What can you do to control bad breath issues:

1) Brush your teeth and rinse your mouth thoroughly after every meal to remove any excess food particle from the mouth.
2) Brush your tongue.
3) Floss your teeth daily to remove any food particle trapped between your teeth and gums.
4) Have regular dental check ups. The dentist will be able to maintain gums and teeth health as well as check for any faulty restorations, overhanging fillings or loose crowns, all of which can trap food in the mouth and cause not only bad breath but dental issues.
5) Chew sugarless gum or even have sugar-free lozenges.  Both will help increase the flow of saliva.
6) Drink plenty of water throughout the day
7) Avoid mints and mouthwash that has alcohol since they can make bad breath problems worse only temporarily masking bad breath.
8) Caffeine and alcohol can lead to dry mouth which can cause bad breath.
9) Avoid smoking or chewing both will cause bad breath as well as other health issues.
10) Milk and dairy products can cause many people to have bad breath.
11) Some medicines will cause bad breath, If you have bad breath that is not association with your diet or oral hygiene and is a constant issue seek out a doctor to see if there are any other health issue to why you may have bad breath.

Posted by DrDental | in Individual Dental Plans | No Comments »
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